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About Local 789

WELCOME To Local 789's Website 

          Welcome to home of The Nashua Firefighters Association Local 789 web site. Local 789 is part of the International Association of Fire Fighters Union, which is an AFL-CIO affiliated labor union representing over 300,000 professional firefighters and paramedics throughout the United States and Canada. The IAFF is one of the largest public employee unions in America. 

          Local 789 was formed in the late 1940’s.Today Local 789 represents 172 members who serve in the following division; 149 line suppression, 2 Safety/Training Division members, 2 Fire Alarm Division supervisors, 12 Fire Alarm Operators, 4 members of the Fire Marshal’s Office, and 3 members of the Mechanical division. The Chief, Assistant Chief, and four Deputy Chiefs are not represented by the Local. 

          Local 789 works very hard to continue to protect and enhance the employee’s rights to uphold and maintain the current contract and language within, and to ensure wages and benefits throughout said contact. The Union is always working to improve the work environment and benefits, but it is up to the membership to get involved and continue to be progressive and not forget what the past members have sacrificed for the current members and members who will come after us.


Page Last Updated: Oct 26, 2024 (06:56:57)
IAFF Local 789
19 Elm St
Nashua, New Hampshire 03060

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