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3rd Alarm on Mason Street
Feb 04, 2008

On the minoring of Friday January 25, 2008 Nashua Fire Alarm transmitted a street box for the intersection of Mason and Foundry Streets.  Engine 4, Engine 1 and Ladder 1 along with Deputy Galipeu(02) responded on th initial alarm.  (02) arrived on the scene and reported a building fire at 24 Mason Street with heavy fire showing from the rear of a 2.5 Sty WFD.  Engine 2 was quickly dispatched for the Working Fire assignment.  Engine 4 was the first due engine and began an interior attack on the fire. As ladder 1 worked to set up in the front of the building crews reported the fire was had extended to the upper levels and command requested a 2nd alarm bringing Engine 5 and Ladder 2 to the fire scene.  As crews vented the roof using ground ladders command requested a 3rd alarm on the fire. Engine 6 with Merrimack engine and Hudson Ladder 2 were dispatched. Engine 3 and Tower 1 were tied up at a box alarm and were not dispatched to the fire.

Heavy smoke from the rear of the building

Setting up ground ladders.

Ladder 2 crew of Lt. Byran Breda and FF Mark Rapaglia on the roof.

Ladder 1 chuaffer Mike Duvarney working on the roof.

Photos by Al Boucher


IAFF Local 789
19 Elm St
Nashua, New Hampshire 03060

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